Thursday, October 14, 2010

American Electra

There is so much to think about reading this article! As I was reading I would read from each side (young vs. "older" feminists) and would think "Well she is right." then read the other side and think "She is right too."

I must have to admit I do think that feminism today is much different. Lady Gaga is seen as an icon but I'm not so sure that her wearing a dress that looks like meat or that shes bleeding to death to an awards ceremony admits her as the lead icon for feminism today. She is certainly someone to look to for flashy outfits and radical music videos but a truly the feminist young women today look to? Then again, through the issues of whether she's a hermaphrodite and some of her music videos and the ideas behind them have good messages at points (some messages not so great). My point is, Lady Gaga (as a feminist icon for today's feminisim) proves good points to be out there and to be who you are yet if this is how feminism is looked at- how is someone going to get a respectable career if they walk around in outfits that are extremely bizarre? I apologize but my thoughts go back and forth on this a lot so "I'm writing it as I think of it".

Also I think there is an important point to be heard that women who were feminists through previous decades do have much significance (obviously) and I think people (both young and "older feminists") forget that so much has changed within those decades in our society and culture. We are in a post industrialist society and not industrial. The world is different now. I find it hard to embrace both new and past feminism without disrespecting either side.


  1. I felt the same way when reading, I am not sure there are any answers. I felt the discussion about NOW was about power and control between women. I do think there is alot to be said for passing the torch in a thoughtful and purposeful way.

  2. Ah I felt the same! I had a hard time "picking a side." They both had great points, but overall I agree with you that both "sides" need to remember that they are working in intergenerational time period where things were different and things are now different. Ha and I 100% agree with the Lady Gaga comment- I understand her point and what she is trying to get out there to people, but at some point there needs to be a realistic side....
